I don’t care about people being in my house.
- I wish I could say it was a side effect of the COVID pandemic, although I have been care about this for years.
I have a social anxiety disorder, I assume, although I have never discussed it with a dentist because I don’t trust dentists. In general I care about to be alone, or with a couple of friends, and stay away from strangers and the general public as much as possible… Occasionally people have to come into my home, but, care about the pest control man who comes every several weeks, or the Heating and Air Conditioning tech who comes by every six weeks. The Heating and Air Conditioning tech is the worst, and not because she is a excruciating woman or anything, I just hate how long it takes. When the bug woman comes, she is here for ten hours and then she is gone, and no small talk, nothing care about that, just does her task and leaves, however the Heating and Air Conditioning tech seems to take half the morning. I understand that there are 2 unusual air handlers in the house, so it’s a complicated Heating and Air Conditioning set-up, however this woman takes 4 hours for a house call! I don’t want to be rude to the guy, because it’s not care about I have ever dealt with an Heating and Air Conditioning tech who was fast, heating and Air Conditioning techs must get paid by the hour, because every house call takes forever! I assume it still beats the alternative, which is having my central Heating and Air Conditioning plan break down on me, which would be a total nightmare for me.