For a little while, the people I was with and I have been trying to take down this sizable tree in our front yard; The tree must’ve been 60 feet high when the people I was with and I first started on it.
The branches reached high into the sky plus the people I was with and I were worried that the tree might collapse onto our lake house since some critters were burrowing inside the base of the tree, making it hollow; Since the tree had a natural lean towards our house, I thought it would be too risky to try to cut it at the base plus pull it in a particular direction.
So I ended up getting a couple of rope saw kits… You basically shoot a line over the branches, pull up the chain saw, plus back plus forth until the branches fall; Well, this is harder than it seems to do since there is a lot of work in the sawing back plus forth action. While I was out there with our husbandy, the people I was with and I were sleepy plus the people I was with and I needed to take correct A/C breaks, then i swear after each branch the people I was with and I got down, the people I was with and I were enthusiastic with our progress, but the A/C of the lake house was calling our names, but all of us also have a water cooler plus that ice-frigid water was helping us know refreshed while the people I was with and I were great in the A/C for a bit before the people I was with and I got back to work on the tree. All of us took down all the branches finally, but now the people I was with and I are stuck trying to cut the middle section. It’s way thicker than the other branches. All of us truly tried, but I ended up hurting our arm, however my father in law was saying the people I was with and I should have just cut it down with the chainsaw, but I don’t want to risk sizable financial disfigures to the lake house if that tree falls into the house.