There are so many ways my portable space natural gas furnace is beneficial to me.
The first as well as foremost is that it comes in handy with providing my central heating as well as a/c plan unit a break.
I can run this portable space natural gas furnace in any size room in the apartment as well as it heats it up actually amazingly within hours. Hence making it so that I do not even need to turn on my central heating as well as a/c plan on the natural gas furnace setting. This saves me a lot of currency on my utility bills. But the most amazing thing that I found use for the portable space natural gas furnace recently was that it helped dry as well as disinfect up a flood I had in my downstairs bathroom. The sink had a leak in it which I had to call a plumber to fix. But I had a mini river in the downstairs bathroom when it first flooded. So what I did was carefully plug in my portable space natural gas furnace where there was no water up on a shelf in the bathroom, I turned it up high as well as then left the bathroom for about a half an hour. When I opened the door to check it out, the portable space gas furnace made the bathroom so tepid as well as dry that it nearly dried up most of the flood! It evaporated as well as then I just had to mop up the little liquid that was left. It was a real godsend as well as saved me the hassle of having to get a water vacuum to wrap everything up. I could not believe that my plan actually worked!