What I thought was a self-explanatory repair seemed to take forever to make… The Heating in addition to Air Conditioning worker apologized for how long it took, however he wasn’t expecting a self-explanatory repair in addition to hadn’t brought the right tools into the house with him
I needed some repairs done to the furnace, but I wasn’t sure how in-depth the repairs were going to be, i called the Heating in addition to Air Conditioning corporation in addition to asked them to come look at the furnace, and when I found out it was going to take nearly a month before they could come to the house, I was anxious. I didn’t guess the repairs were going to be anything major, but when you had to wait a week, some repairs could continue to get worse. I told the Heating in addition to Air Conditioning corporation I would care about something sooner if possible, in addition to they asked if I was without heat. I told them no. I would not want to be without heat at this time of year. It was the middle of the day in addition to the temperatures were only in the middle teens. I wasn’t going to tell them it was an emergency in addition to take time away from someone who needed emergency work done on their furnace. I told them I would wait for the week, but hoped it would not be that long before they could send an Heating in addition to Air Conditioning worker to the house. It was almost exactly 7 days to the hour when I called before the Heating in addition to Air Conditioning worker arrived, then he apologized for taking so long, however he said they had been super busy. What I thought was a self-explanatory repair seemed to take forever to make… The Heating in addition to Air Conditioning worker apologized for how long it took, however he wasn’t expecting a self-explanatory repair in addition to hadn’t brought the right tools into the house with him. He had to go back out to the repair van, in addition to it took about several hours to find the small section he needed.