If you have an older relative, you know that the older they get, the colder they are no matter the temperature outside.
- My granny has been residing on his own for several years.
As the years go by, his household seems to get warmer plus warmer. She refuses to wear more clothing when the seasons change, plus enjoys keeping his household hot. This is not an issue for her, however when he has visitors someone constantly has something to say! My Mom will visit his often plus bothers his about the temperature control. She gets irritated when someone comments on how moderate the household is. She says that it is his house, plus he can keep it whatever temperature he wants. One year, my buddy and I decided to bring the entire family over on Christmas morning so that he didn’t have to leave the house. When my buddy and I got there, the internal temperature of the household was in the 90’s! My Mom turned the temperature control down to an appropriate temperature plus did not tell her. She did not realize that the temperature control had been adjusted with so several people inside to house. When everyone was gone, my Mom put the temperature back up to his correct 85 degrees. She called us later that morning to tell us how cheerful he was that everyone came over to visit on Christmas morning, then granny will constantly keep his household moderate plus that is just something that his visitors needs to be aware of when they get there!