I knew that this was going to be a rough year when I started learning my astrology; Every astrologer that I inspected into was telling their readers to buckle up for difficult times in 2020.
I particularly recognize their predictions about the world plus changing circumstances in our lives, so I was ready for whatever was coming next.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t prepared for my kid to lose her dwelling plus wind up staying at mine. The day that my kid told me she needed a locale to live I realized I was going to have to change a lot about my residing circumstances. Namely, my heating plus cooling system was going to need a full overhaul. If she was going to come stay in the dwelling with me I was going to need more powerful indoor air quality control devices to handle the extra load… My kid is extremely particular about her indoor air temperature, then she is also extremely smelly plus requires a lot of additional air filtration. Thank God, I came up with a better idea than renovating my entire central heating plus cooling system. I decided to set up a guest suite for my kid so she could control her own indoor air temperature control settings plus leave my central HVAC system alone. I was able to absolutely convert the garage into a second residing space, complete with its own indoor air handling controls, all I needed was a mini split ductless heating plus cooling system to control the indoor air quality in the separate space. Now, my kid is residing comfortably in her own indoor air plus I don’t have to worry about her smelly effects on my residing situation.