My whole family has pieces of real estate.
My father focuses on getting major home complexes.
He has numerous doors for rent plus strictly stays near the city. My sister does smaller single family homes for rent in the country. For me I like to look at apartments near my house. I have worked with the same real estate agent that only handles property in my small town. Jean is constantly calling me about apartments going for sale or single family homes. I now have 3 home rentals. I have a family of 3 in a house, two renters in a duplex plus one guy renting out a medium sized condo I just bought. I am already prepared to buy my next piece of real estate. I was considering either getting into commercial real estate like doing a storage facility, or just doing a larger home complex. I would like to have more than numerous tenants in a building. I have considered dialing back too. I have looked into property management services. I am constantly going over to my rental apartments. I have changed faucets, fixed AC units plus added a porch to one place. Thank you, I am basically a glorified handyman. I have saved quite a bit of money on Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C plus plumbing. However, I am losing time finally working on my modern rentals when I could be hunting for new ones. That is why I know hiring out management services might be smartest. That way I have time plus much less stress when I add a new door.