I am not good at accepting physical limitations.
I tend to push myself too far and overwork my body.
Whether I’m pulling weeds in the garden, cleaning the house or working out, I frequently end up totally exhausted, sore and even injured. Because I am conscientious about exercising every day, I know that my joints and muscles are durable. I make sure that I am especially flexible and have maximum range of motion. I run, bike, jump rope and perform sets of burpees and mountain climbers to increase stamina. I lift weights and complete sets of push-ups, lunges, squats and ab crunches to make sure I’m strong. I elevate my heart rate, work my lungs and generate a decent sweat every day. I keep myself very fit and healthy. I occasionally expect too much from myself and suffer the consequences. Last summer, I tackled a home renovation project. I tore out the walls and ceilings of the laundry room with plans of replacing the washer, dryer, plumbing pipes and light fixtures. I attempted to hang drywall on the ceiling by myself. I needed to use the top of my head and my left hand to hold the drywall in place while I operated the cordless drill with my right hand. The job was difficult and strenuous. I managed to tear my trapezius muscle. The upper left side of my back swelled up and was so extremely painful that I was unable to walk, comb my hair or even sit up. I was flat on my back for six weeks. Not being able to exercise, work or do anything was terrible. I am now trying to be more careful about my expectations of what my body can handle.