Every quarter, the air conditioning business takes all the air conditioning experts for a team-building retreat.
Over the years, we have seen these activities build up morale and relationships among the a/c reps in the company.
As the human resource manager, I strive to make the activities as interactive, fun, and energetic as possible. More than just learning about air conditioning, we have fun sessions and a question and answer part of the program. This past quarter, the activities included rafting, archery, ziplining, and rope tagging. I divided the group into teams of different departments. For instance, we had a team that included cooling specialists, cooling products merchants, and cooling technology associates. The purpose was to create interdepartmental interaction and motivate relationship building. We got to the offices early so we could leave the office and head to the venue. On the bus, we held trivia about different cooling equipment and their pros and cons. The winning team or person won some money. I have come to learn that money is an excellent motivator. It was about a two-hour drive, so we had enough time to kill. Questions on the trivia touched on almost every topic, including air conditioning installation and the importance and process of executing air conditioner tune-up. The activities were fun. Maybe it’s because I love the outdoors. It was a hot day. Fortunately, the hotel at the venue had a well-functioning heat pump to provide quality indoor comfort. The air quality was also top-notch to show the air conditioning filters, which were frequently replaced. Kudos to the hotel for having an efficient air conditioning system. We had a grand time at the team building and covered most topics, including air conditioning repairs.