I took care of all the maintenance myself.
- I remember a time when I was in a dark place mentally, I barely left the house for almost three months, but with the help of my parents and a friend, I crawled out of it.
I started with trying a few things with the HVAC to improve air quality and to keep me busy. I had created an a/c care program for my parents and our neighbor, who occasionally let me work on his HVAC system for a small fee. I checked the AC filter and found it needed replacement because it was filthy. I recommended a HEPA filter because one of them had a dust allergy. When I moved back home, I used some of my time to learn about commercial air conditioning, and I found it easy to understand things such as repairs and anything to do with a digital thermostat. I did not explore it further. I used this knowledge to work on my parents’ a/c setup. At some point, I had to call an air conditioning technician for ductwork cleaning because I did not have the tools for it. The cooling expert was impressed by the repair I had done and asked if I had ever worked in an air conditioning company. I told him I had never worked for one and had gathered the knowledge online because I had a lot of time. From how the air conditioning professional worked on the electric heat pump, I could tell he offered nothing short of quality AC service. The best thing that came out of it was that the tech showed me a slot as an apprentice, which would not be more than two months since I had an eye for it, and then after, they would offer me a job.