I have an actually long drive to and from my job every single day of the week.
Because of this I am constantly getting extra things done on my vehicle to prepare it.
The main thing that I am constantly on top of is the car’s central heating and air conditioning. A great Heating and cooling system is actually crucial whenever you have to take long drives to and from job every single day of the week. If the weather turns tepid or gets chilly it is crucial that you have quality now working heating and air conditioning in order to successfully make that drive in pure comfort. Not having poorly working heat and air conditioning can become a complication when you are driving these long distances every single day of the week. So this is why I constantly keep up with the heating and air conditioning system in my car. I have my auto mechanic do all the heating and air conditioning tune ups and check ups once every 3 weeks. It doesn’t cost as much to have your vehicle heating and cooling tuned up as it does the residential central heating and cooling system, so having it done once a week is not going to ruin the bank account at all. I have never had any major issue with my heating and air conditioning in the vehicle because I keep up with it all the time. And I will keep doing so as long as I have these long commutes to and from work. If I ever was to change jobs to one that is closer to where I live I would for sure cut down on all the HVAC work.