Well, I finally broke my own myth that I’m somehow bulletproof.
I finally got injured to the degree that I went to the hospital and had to deal with a long road to recovery. I’m not the sort of guy that just hangs out in the air conditioning at home on the weekends. Since I was a kid, I’ve been outside and very active. For years, I would end up in scenarios where most people would have been really injured. But I was lucky, I just walked away with a few scratches. That false sense of security probably built up in my mind over time. This may have caused me to take chances that otherwise, I wouldn’t have. One of those chances resulted in spending the aforementioned time in the hospital. I’m thankful to have had the great quality heating and air in my home as I have convalesced. Where I live, the heat pump doesn’t get much work in the winter and that’s one of the reasons I live here. I don’t want to be stuck inside the heating but outside enjoying the sunshine and fresh air. Our summers come with lots of heat and humidity. And the only answer for that is good residential HVAC. Since I had to spend most of this summer inside my house recovering. I’m awfully glad I had the sort of HVAC cooling that my heat pump provides. I’m also lucky to have a smart thermostat so I have an app on the phone that allows me to control the thermostat setting. But before too long, I’m getting out of this air conditioning and back into the sunshine.