They had to be more than three or four hundred pounds each and there is no doubt they will start getting hungry before they hibernate
My fiance and I own a small flat out in the country. I have a 1.5 hour drive to work, however I do not mind taking the extra time. I like living in the woods where my closest neighbor is over three miles away. My fiance and I have a sprawling backyard where the kids can run and play like both of us did when we were young. They love to make forts with the trees and sticks and we have deer and bears that come into the backyard during the fall season. We have even seen a couple of bobcats out there! I put up a trail cam about a half mile from the house and it’s still on our property, however I know it’s far enough away that I can catch some certainly superb shots of wildlife. I caught numerous bears on the trail camera yesterday, and they looked like they were playing in a playground. They were jumping and wrestling around and it was one of the cutest things that I have ever seen. They had to be more than three or four hundred pounds each and there is no doubt they will start getting hungry before they hibernate. The hot and cold temperatures are undoubtedly starting to get colder and that means it is time to have a checkup completed on the old gas furnace. We had some problems with the gas furnace last year and we had to contact a company that specialized in gasoline repairs. There was a problem with the gas line from the condo to the furnace and it took the crew almost five hours to find the gas line problem and repair the issue.