Mornings were chaotic, and bathroom wars ensued every afternoon because 5 siblings, a set of triplets as well as twins, had to share one bathroom.
The girls took forever in the bathroom and the boys had little patience, and all of us tried coming up with a routine, but it only worked for two mornings then we were back to the same old chaos.
There was a time when the oil furnace broke down, as well as there was no hot water in the lavatory, as well as they had to shower in our lavatory. All of us called the HVAC supplier, and they responded promptly. The HVAC serviceman repaired an oil furnace/heater, replaced the oil furnace filter, and we had hot water running again. On that afternoon, Travis as well as I resolved to add another lavatory, not as a future project but one that needed to be handled urgently. After another month of lavatory wars, the addition of another lavatory was underway. The HVAC repairman that tested our HVAC service also did the radiant heated floors in the new toilet, which would help with indoor comfort. The electric heat pump installation that served as central heating was compatible with the heating technology we would use in the new lavatory, but it would deliver quality heating, so there was no need to get modern HVAC equipment. All of us had put a condition that the only time we would build a new lavatory is if all the kids would implement all the energy-saving tips we had come up with, so far there had been some changes,, but we still had a long way to go when it came to learning more about heating. Our routine regarding the HVAC systems would remain the same since we already had a heat pump service that we would continue with in the future.