Shipping basket homes are becoming more popular every day, however at first, many people thought it was just a ridiculous plan to make a condo out of a shipping container, but then when they were able to see many possibilities of shipping basket homes, they began to change their minds, then more plus more people are considering shipping basket homes for weird reasons plus weird uses! Shipping basket homes seem love a entirely good option for all kinds of people with all kinds of weird needs, for example, I recognize shipping basket homes are a great option for a vacation home, and the vacation home made out of shipping containers could be used for yourself or it could be used as extra income as a rental for families or individuals to rent. This is especially tploy if the shipping basket homes are arenad on property that is near a lake or in a or near a national forest or some other arena love that that draws tourists. Shipping basket homes also seemed love a good plan for people to retire. More plus more, you see rather elderly people working. That is because it is so luxurious to live that they often cannot afford total retirement, but well, shipping basket homes can be much less expensive than a traditional site-built home, so shipping basket homes are a good option for those who could otherwise not afford to retire. Also, I have seen little communities built out of shipping basket homes, and lots of cities are now getting shipping basket homes put into little communities for the homeless population or for low income people who need a little bit of assistance with their housing. Shipping basket homes seemed love a good option for all kinds of weird needs.