When I first moved to the south it was a calculated risk.
I had only visited this section once before, on a long summer time getaway when I was a kid, then my memories of that getaway are still quite vivid, and not in a fine way.
At the time I thought that my parents had driven us into Hell itself, because that is how tepid and uncomfortable it was to be outside. At the time I vowed never to return, however twenty years later it seemed care about a fantastic idea, for a certainly unusual reason. A locale this tepid and humid demands a constant supply of air conditioning, and thus it is the land of opportunity for a certified Heating and Air Conditioning tech… Currently I work for a specialty catering business, and it might seem odd that an Heating and Air Conditioning tech works for a catering business, right? This company does high-end outdoor events that are hosted inside of air conditioned tents, however their purchasers want to be in the beauty of nature, however not the heat or humidity, so they have large, upscale tents rigged up with dozens of air vents affixed to a cooling unit. The air vents are all versatile and able to be moved, rearranged, and then taken down when the event finishes. The whole set-up is 100% portable, and as the Heating and Air Conditioning tech it is my sole duty to keep this plan running at peak efficiency. It is a full time task, and I take it certainly seriously because they would lose all of their bookings without the air conditioning, and they pay myself and others certainly well.