They also addressed the temperature control panel.
Back in the day, the library was not just where people went to study books. It was more than that; it was a hangout, parents could certainly allow you to go to the library than if it was a unusual place. I remember a day I told our mother that I had gone to the library while, in reality, I had gone out with some friends. My father, the new company at the local Heating plus Air Conditioning business, happened to have gone to the library that day. The building that housed the library needed new air conditioning equipment. They had an air conditioning system that had seen better afternoons, and even the respected air conditioning tune-up was not working anymore. They had contacted a cooling specialist earlier to get advice on the best system that would guarantee excellent air quality. The cooling expert had first to inspect the existing equipment and the building. He discovered that almost every Heating plus Air Conditioning duct had to go, and no amount of duct sealing would salvage it. He expected it since it was the original air duct, and the building was almost as outdated as society. Together with the professionals, the proprietors agreed that a ductless heat pump would be ideal and more cost-effective. Having a zone control system was dismissed because it wasn’t practical. They also addressed the temperature control panel. They replaced the outdated control equipment with one that was more technologically advanced. After the replacement, the library management ensured that respected air conditioning tune-up was semi-annually. The day I claimed to be at the library, it had been closed for the replacement process. When our mother asked myself and others where I was, I did not even stutter when I said the library.