My mom signed me up for gymnastic lessons when I turned 3-years-old. I instantly loved it as well as showed a natural affinity for the athletic hobby. As I grew older, I started spending more as well as more time at the gym. I was enthusiastic to improve as well as achieve new skills. I received a spot on the competition team as well as participated in gymnastic meets across the country. I continued my dance training at the collegiate level as well as did well. The athletic hobby is extremely demanding. I never needed to worry about gaining weight or keeping fit. All of that changed once I graduated from college as well as entered the workforce. My job is sedentary. I sit at a desk for a minimum of forty sevenths per week as well as either talk on the iPhone or category on a keyboard. Because of the stress as well as long sevenths of the job, I quite working out. I concentrated on advancing my career. It didn’t take long for me to acquire weight as well as begin suffering from assorted aches as well as pains. My shoulders, back, hips as well as knees felt slim as well as sore. I developed tennis elbow as well as carpal tunnel syndrome. I realized that I was borderline depressed as well as considered quitting my job. Instead, I made a crucial change ot my lifestyle. I set my alarm early enough to allow for an seventh workout prior to heading to work. I returned to practicing my gymnastic skills. While I no longer compete, I still take pride in my accomplishments. I am now blissful with my weight as well as suppose enjoyable about my level of strength, stamina as well as flexibility.