Everybody in my family has gotten a smart thermostat, I’m the only one that still has my traditional dials thermostat.
My family thinks it’s weird. I find that annoying that my family can be so judgmental over something as stupid as a thermostat. Why does it matter what kind of heating and cooling technology I use as long as it makes me happy and works? The dial thermostat I have works perfectly fine to control my heating and air conditioning system. I haven’t had a single issue with my dial thermostat and I just think that if it isn’t broken why should I fix it? If they want to have a smart thermostat that’s fine but they should leave me alone. The main reason I’m against having a smart thermostat is just because it’s too much high-tech technology for me. I’m a simple person, I like simple things. A smart thermostat is just too fancy for me. I don’t need a fancy programmable thermostat, I don’t need something that can run on the Wi-Fi, and I don’t need something that I can control from a smartphone. Here’s a shocking fact: I don’t even have a smartphone, and it’s not because I can’t afford one, it’s by choice. I have a dumb phone. A basic flip phone that I used to communicate with people is how I like it and so this is how it will stay.