There is a friend of mine who is always having visitors over.
The state in which she lives attracts a large number of tourists each year.
In addition, her house also has a large patio with a swimming pool, making it ideal for a mini-vacation. My house does not have a swimming pool due to the fact that I live in the northern part of the country. Living in a large city, I do not even have a yard to call my own. It is therefore a pleasant experience for me to visit Lisa on a regular basis. Her central air conditioner remained on for most of the day while I was staying at her house. Compared to my home, her house was a bit colder. During the daytime, I keep my thermostat at 78 degrees, and at night I keep it at 74 degrees. Lisa always maintains a temperature of 75 degrees. It is unclear how that translates into her utility bill, however. It must be a higher amount than mine. The thermostat should be set to 78 degrees during the summer and 68 degrees during the winter. This recommendation came from the U.S. Department of Energy, and the organization mentions these temperatures as being the most ideal for energy efficiency, comfort, as well as to save money on utility bills. Saving money without sacrificing comfort is what I am all about, and the DOE recommendation does just that.