The other afternoon when I was shopping at the grocery store I could hardly believe what I had discovered! I actually discovered air filters for my central heating as well as a/c plan in the grocery store. Not only that, they were on sale. I do not know a lot about air filters for central heating as well as a/cs or anything for that matter, not what they were even doing there. After shopping in this grocery market for 7 years I had never seen heating as well as a/c plan air filters or any other kind of air filters in the grocery market. I guess maybe this was something they just started as well as are trying it out. But I can tell you because they were on sale for such a great price I actually bought a big handful of them so I do not have to go to the store for air filters for a while. This will not only save me a ton of currency by the great sale that I got on these, however it will also save me gas for my vehicle as well. Also, if this becomes a correct thing where the grocery store sells high quality air filters for central heating as well as a/cs, I never have to worry about going to the local hardware store again as well as I can just go to the grocery store to buy the air filters for my central heater as well as my a/c unit. Even if they are not on sale, it still saves me currency because the grocery store is much closer to my apartment than the hardware store is. It is just a great deal all together as well as I am excited I found it.