This by itself takes a long while if you even can be successful.
When I set out to become an independent heating and a/c pro, I had no clue that the job was going to be this hard! The first area of what makes it strenuous is trying to rack in customers. This by itself takes a long while if you even can be successful. The other thing is that because of what I just mentioned, there is the option that you might not make a living and go broke and end up being homeless from being an independent heating and a/c specialist if you do not know how to sell yourself the right way. The fact that you need to run everything yourself in terms of schedules and accounting is the frosting on the cake! I tried our hand at being an independent heating and a/c specialist for about 3 or 4 months and since nothing was happening and I was stressing on how I was going to keep making ends meet, I quit trying, closed shop and went back to job for a local heating and a/c supplier as 1 of their team of certified heating and a/c pros. At least this way I am paid no matter what just for showing up to job every single day of the week, plus I get an hourly wage and do not have to worry about keeping accounting, paying tax and all that which comes with being an independent heating and a/c specialist. It was an experience that really taught myself and others how this kind of heating and cooling job is simply just not in my wheelhouse, and that I am better working for an Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C supplier.