The weather has been so peculiar, then just a small number of afternoons ago, it was absolutely cold, & now the temps are all the way up in the 69s again, then i assume that weather such as this is absolutely a single 1 of the main reasons that folks get sick around this time of the year.
Our bodies just can’t understand or deal with the vast temperature variations that keep occurring & I assume that it plays havoc on our immune systems sometimes.
I like the fall of the year & usually it’s my number one favorite time of the year. I like it whenever the weather starts cooling down & I like when both of us get to use the fireplace in the house… The fireplace always makes me guess sizzling & cozy & I assume that it’s the single best part about the cabin where both of us live, however, now the temperatures are turning hot again that I can’t even use the fireplace because it’s way too sizzling outside. It’s so irritating because I was really super cheerful for it to really be fall again, now, the temperature is climbing back up almost to 69 degrees & I’m not cheerful about it a single bit. I have been waiting so long for the weather to beginning cooling down & I thought that I had finally made it. Now both of us have gotten back to where both of us first started, basically. It’s so irritating. Just when I thought I was going to be able to turn the air conditioner off for the rest of the year, I ended up having to use it once again this weekend.