One thing about this house that we could always count on was comfort.
It just feels good being inside this house. Part of the reason for that is great quality heating and air we’ve enjoyed all these years. And we recently had a changing of the guard when it came to the heating and cooling equipment. HVAC equipment we installed when we bought this house finally came to an end. 24 years is not too bad for a mid-level HVAC unit. All the seasonal maintenance sure made a difference and I’m glad that became a habit. About halfway into the HVAC service life, we signed up for an HVAC Service plan. This makes HVAC maintenance consistent for each season. Still, I wasn’t all that wild about replacing the HVAC unit because of all the hassle. This ended up being nothing to worry about because the HVAC professionals were on top of everything. We only had two meetings with HVAC contractor and from there he took care of all the business. But I will say I took a moment to salute the on HVAC unit for all the great heating and cooling for all those years. We chose all the latest and greatest when it came to the residential HVAC we have now. But, I could not ignore how much the old HVAC unit had given us. That HVAC equipment went for more than two decades without one single break down. For sure all that HVAC maintenance help. But still that’s some sort of streak. I’m glad to have the very latest in HVAC technology but I’m sure thankful for what we were lucky enough to have first.