Read about these common summer AC problems and their solutions.
Your comfort system may be short-cycling if it turns on and then switches off.
All you need to do is a little maintenance if it’s caused by dirty condenser coils, evaporator coils, or air filters. Spray down your outdoor system with a hose to remove dirt and loose debris, and clean or change your air filter. You may have an electrical issue that needs professional attention if this doesn’t work. Your evaporator coils may be frozen if your comfort system is blowing warm air or not blowing at all. During humid outdoor conditions, ice can form on evaporator coils if the air around them gets too cold. Open the indoor unit if you suspect frozen evaporator coils. The air handler should have coils. Turn off the system for 24 hours if you notice frost or ice. The system may freeze again if you turn it on before 24 hours have passed. If your comfort system is working hard but your home is still warm, it may be due to damaged ductwork. The cool air your system produces won’t reach your house if your air ducts are damaged. Your comfort system is forced to work overtime to cool your home. A premature system failure or costly emergency repairs may result from this unnecessary strain. Ductwork is very fragile and can be easily installed incorrectly if the technician is inexperienced or unsure of what he or she is doing.