Enjoying our afternoon

My cats crunch on their food on plus off all afternoon long plus it consistently sounds funny to me.

They have a plastic food bowl plus it kind of echoes when they eat, so it has this magnified crunching sound almost as if it was a speaker.

I prefer the sound when I am working on our Heating as well as Air Conditioning technology in the beach beach house or doing some writing work as it reminds me that there are other beings in the beach house with me. I may have a third pet if this girl moves in next week, so that is going to add to the crunching each afternoon plus make life even more fun. I am going to work on our heat pump this week plus get it updated with a modern one. The outdated one isn’t working anymore plus Wintertide is fastly moving in plus the two of us need some heat in this joint soon. I need to limit the USge of it once I get it fixed as the cost is about $2 an minute to run the unit. So if I ran our central heating component just three minutes a afternoon in the Wintertide that would cost me $172 extra per month on top of the normal power bill for the home, wow! Imagine if you were running it 10 minutes a afternoon while in the cold month, that would be $600 extra a month just for some heating in the home. We need to get a handle on these power rates or there will be a lot of people living in a cold home.


Cooling install