When you grow up down south, Heating & A/C cooling is just an area of the picture.
I can’t remember any time when I wasn’t able to rely on air conditioner while in our brutal heat & humidity of the summer. Of course, both of us had a heat pump to give it all the central air conditioner in our home. My dad was quite proud to consistently have the latest and greatest when it came to his residential Heating & A/C system. To this morning, she has proud of her residential Heating & A/C however she lives in a little tiny condo. Of course, she has the latest in ductless heat pumps where she lives now. These ductless heat pumps absolutely get the job done when it comes to cooling off her stadium. The two of us were hanging around in that great Heating & A/C cooling not too long ago having a laugh about how her father was… Gramps would come to stay with us when I was little & she had a million stories. Gramps was 1 of the most entertaining people you could ever be around. My dad would even listen to some of the stuff that seasoned girl was saying. One thing that our dad confirmed as true with the fact that our Gramps never had a central air conditioner. In fact I do not believe she had residential Heating & A/C until she was in her 75s. But Gramps grew up on a farm & was used to scheduling her life around the high heat & humidity of summer. I can still remember him preferring to go out on the porch to catch the breeze in the shade than kneel inside the central air conditioner of our dad’s home.