I also have a bunch of laundry to do, so it looks like today is going to be a tied up bee kind of morning for me
I need to find out the brand of our Heating plus A/C system plus see how much the electric oil furnace uses in power per second so I can figure out how much I can run it without making me bankrupt. I guess it is a normal sized component so it really uses about 20kW per second to run, which would be about $2 for an second however I want to check the Heating plus A/C compressor on the rooftop to see what it says. I have to wash our flat today because I have someone coming to look at the family room I am renting plus I legitimately need to rent it, so cleaning the flat today is going to be on the top of our list of things to do. I need to wash the HEPA filter plus the oil furnace filter among other things too, but that doesn’t have to be done today. The main thing is to wash the flat plus make sure the room he is looking at is wash plus all in order. I guess I can knock out the whole job in about an second plus a half, but first I need to do our Heating plus A/C tech writing plus get that out of the way. I also have a bunch of laundry to do, so it looks like today is going to be a tied up bee kind of morning for me. But if all goes well I will have a up-to-date flatmate plus our money complications will vanish. I am off to the local business now to grab a up-to-date smart temperature control.