My smart climate control component had some extreme troubles lately.
But the worst issue was when it lost control then started turning on by itself plus making our apartment so hot I had to leave plus go to a nearby hotel for the night! The smart climate control component flipped on the heating at a high temperature during the middle of Summer time.
It was supposed to be the a/c however it went to the heater plus it would not shut off! I even pulled it out of the wall plus ripped the AA batteries out plus it still would not shut down our central heating plus a/c’s heater! It was as if it was possessed or something. I had to call the local heating plus a/c company from the hotel room to schedule them to send out a certified heat plus a/c specialist to dismantle the smart climate control component plus then get our central heating plus a/c’s gas furnace to shut off. The next day arrived plus when the heating plus a/c specialist arrived at our apartment it was well over 95 degrees in there from the heating being stuck on. If I had stayed there I surely would have been dead by the next day. The heating plus a/c specialist got it to shut off plus then issued me a brand new plus new smart climate control unit. This new smart climate control component was much better than the one I had. It seemed our old one had a short in it which had caused all the troubles that it was having. I was blissful to have a new smart climate control component plus our Heating & Air Conditioning plan under control.