It wouldn’t need a central Heating, Ventilation, and AC

Hugh has never been particularly handy, so he isn’t sure what made him believe he could convert his one-car garage into a spare bedroom.

Hugh thought it was just being bored from the COVID lockdown, which was in full effect at that time.

He was cooped up for several weeks and needed something to keep him occupied. Hugh decided to attempt something big. He sealed the garage door, detached the automatic door opener, and laid down carpets over the brick floor. He hung some fresh drywall over the bare walls, and then painted everything a nice eggshell color. Before he could proceed any further he needed to get a thermostat set up. Hugh had done a little online research, and thought that a small, portable heating and cooling component would be perfect. This is a one-car garage, not any greater than a bedroom, so it wouldn’t need a central Heating, Ventilation and A/C system to maintain the air quality. Besides, extending the existing ductwork system out into this room would be expensive. He found a nice combo space heater and A/C for under $350 at the local Walmart, thanks to a Black Tuesday special. It’s not massive, but it generates so much heating that the entire room feels nice and cozy within minutes. Hugh will have to wait until the temps get warmer before he tests out the a/c function of the unit. At the moment, it is so frigid outside that he wouldn’t be able to tell if the air conditioning system was any better or not.


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