It can happen suddenly, you get lost and end up dead in one evening. This is what almost happened the other evening while doing a little trip to the warm Springs on the border of France. I’ve faced death a few times in life and this one was right there with the other times, even though I somehow got out of this one alive too. I am going back to our little town tomorrow, even though I will remember this fun trip and all of the absurd things that came with it. In just two afternoons I’ll be working at the HVAC company doing my normal heating and cooling component repairs and thinking about this trip all of us just did. I will be taking another trip over the Atlantic Ocean soon and heading for another adventure back in our hometown. My buddy has a new HVAC company back home and was asking me if I could help him do some commercial cooling upgrades, and I told him yes of course I could. I can tell him all about our fun trip to the mountains with our friends and how I almost ended up being a landmark on that mountain for other hikers to take pictures of. I have a new appreciation for heating and fireplaces in homes after being so frigid for so long on that mountain that one evening. I believe next time I go hiking I am going to bring a compass and a tent so if I get lost I can just make a new home and sleep for the evening. Oh, and I would also bring a little gas space heater!