Last summer, our youngsters were complaining because the a/c wasn’t working well.
I thought they were whining about nothing.
I had called the Heating & Air Conditioning supplier, & they were going to be there in many afternoons, unless we called & told them the a/c wasn’t working at all; Both of us were resting in the living the next afternoon, & our son was complaining it was too tepid to rest there. It was seventy-two, & the humidity was low. I looked at him & told him I remembered when we didn’t have a/c. He rolled his eyeah & responded that I absolutely remembered walking many miles to school in the snow & going uphill both ways. I walked to school, however it was less than a mile. I told him our mom & Mom could not afford to put a/c in our house. Both of us had a coal oil furnace that worked entirely well, & that was all we had for comfort. Air conditioning was so expensive, so we had fans in every room pulling the heat out instead of blowing the heat in. He thought I was kidding, however something changed his mind. He asked how we slept. I told him it was something we were used to. Both of us seldom had blankets over us, however the sheet helped to keep us cool. Both of us had fans in the ceiling to pull the heat up to the ceiling & fans in the windows to pull the heat out! Mom didn’t put a/c into the apartment until the oil furnace died. He had a central Heating & Air Conditioning plan in the apartment many years after I met his Mom.