The condenser coils were so disgusting it tore up the air conditioning system

The condenser coils in the air conditioning system component were so dirty that it ended up splitting up the air conditioning system at our house! I could not assume that the two of us had let our air conditioning get so dirty that it entirely stopped laboring, however the proof was right there in front of our faces! Whenever I called the local Heating, Ventilation & A/C corporation to make an appointment with them to repair the air conditioning system unit, I told them that I had no system what was wrong with the cooling system at our house.

  • I wasn’t lying, either! I absolutely didn’t have any system what was going on with it.

I just knew that something was wrong because no matter how low I turned the temperature down on the temperature control, the house just would not start cooling off the way that it was supposed to. I finally called up the Heating, Ventilation & A/C corporation that the two of us typically use because I was too hot, then the people I was with and I live in the southern part of the country & so I basically run our air conditioning year round… Anyway, when they showed up to repair it, the Heating, Ventilation & A/C repair guys showed us exactly what was wrong with the air conditioning system system. I was so embarrassed about the fact that it was because the air conditioning component was so dirty! It was entirely so dirty that the condenser coils in the air conditioning system component could not do their task. I felt like a real idiot when they showed us what the problem was. I decided right then & there that I was going to sign up for their standard Heating, Ventilation & A/C repair program.


a/c professional