I’ve been battling a slight sore throat and a stuffy nose, accompanied by severe tiredness all day long.
This is from my allergies to the pollen, which was triggered a few days ago by all of the wind we had.
I haven’t been sick or anything for years, ever since doing my cold water swims in the sea each day. But this was something that couldn’t be avoided, seeing that I am really allergic to that yellow pollen that comes off of the oak trees during the spring. I just got some allergy pills and am starting to run air purification in the house all day today. I think that with the pills and the clean air, I will probably be fine within a day or two. I also do the neti pot and rinse my sinuses out, which I bought at the local business the other day. I am going to meet up with my buddy later and play some music out on the pier at sunset for a couple of hours. We have some gigs at the HVAC business later this month and will be doing some shows in other local businesses around town. In three weeks we will travel to the mountains up north for ten days to do a string of shows in the ski resorts and other places around town. Our dream of playing for the local contractor in town is also going to come true soon, which will open the door to playing in other HVAC companies that are associated with that contractor. It’s going to be fun!