I absolutely adore the crisp plus cool day air

I’m a single of those people that has regularly enjoyed the simple things in life.

I just believe not everybody regularly takes time to like the little things that can entirely make things so lovely.

Like for example when I walked outside this day plus I thought how cool plus crisp the air was it was such an amazing feeling; Unfortunately for me, I’m under 18 plus I still live with my parents. My crazy mother has this weird habit where he has to control the temperature of our lake house to an extreme. Not even my own Mom is allowed to touch the temperature control, he keeps the lake house on 85 degrees all the time plus if anyone’s too warm well too excruciating we’re not allowed to complain about it. I have asked some of my friends at school if their parents do anything similar plus they were shocked at how my mother kept the inside of the lake house so hot. She’s regularly been that kind of guy that just does not entirely care how his actions are affecting others, he is selfish to the core. I hate to say it about my own mother but I would be lying if I said it wasn’t true. I’m not allowed to touch the temperature control or use the a/c idea to cool myself at all. So the lovely fall afternoons are a total blessing to my often warm body. I just do my best to try to stay out of the lake house as much as possible, not only to stay cool however for the sake of my sanity.

central heating