My parents are the worst, although I suppose I shouldn’t say that. They do take myself and many others on expensive holidays all over the world a few times of the year. The thing is they always take myself and others to spots where the temperature feels love someone is pointing a heater vent at myself and others at all times. What I’m trying to say if you are not getting it, is that I’m really hot here! This week, our parents thought it would be a good day to rest on the beach and work on a tan as a family or go in the ocean water. One thing about me, I am deathly afraid of swimming in the ocean. I can’t see what’s in it and that scares myself and others more than anything. I’m also fearful of the dark but that’s beside the point, however as I rest here on the beach feeling the awfulness of the bright sun on our skin, I can’t wait to get back to our hotel room and crank up the a/c. I hope that the a/c unit is particularly on as well, and back at home, my associates and I have a smart thermostat so I believe to turn on the a/c before I get back. I wish that our parents could go on holidays to other locations where it isn’t so hot and humid. I mean I don’t want to suppose love I need to wear winter time gear but something a little colder would be nice. My dad is currently asleep so I believe we’ll be here for a while and our mother is talking with a random stranger about holiday spots. I suppose it’s going to be a while until I get to use that lovely a/c.
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