Offering advice as an HVAC professional to the man who later became my husband

To say it was love, at first sight would be a lie.

It was more like animosity at first sight. My first impression of him was that he was pompous. It was not in anything he said but how he filled a room when he walked in. His rolled-up sleeves just emphasized his toned arms and broad shoulders. His gait was that of a confident man, comfortable in his own skin. Bob was the perfect representation of masculinity. I hated him, or rather, the way he made me feel. This was the second time I was meeting him to present my business proposal. When I walked into his office, I found it uncomfortably warm. A small fan on his desk was running, so I assumed he felt the heat. When I finished my presentation, I could no longer stand it, and I asked him what was wrong with their HVAC. There was a smart thermostat that proved evident. Bob told me they had called the heating company, and the HVAC professional still needed to arrive. His PA had contacted the heating dealer two hours earlier. I was done with my appointments for the day. I asked him if I could look at their whole home heating system. He led me to the heat pump installation and helped me fetch my tools. He was with me the entire time. I conducted heater maintenance and told him it would help with indoor comfort before their heating technician came to replace some of the parts. He was impressed that he asked if I had ever worked in the heating industry, and I told him I owned a heating business. The following questions led me to believe he wanted to learn more about heating, especially the heat pump. He told me he wanted to purchase new heating equipment and would contact me to discuss it. We have been married for seven years now.


Electric heating