A visit from my friend who lives in the tropicals prompts a heat and AC product crash course

Jack is quite afraid of the cold, so simply convincing him to come over for a week’s visit this winter time was something I didn’t expect to pull off however here my friend and I are! He has been here before, however just on a layover, then now I know where he is from, they do not rely on heat and Ac products so much however here, it is the order of the day.

Their own seasons are relatively friendly and they can survive most days without heating or any major heating and air conditioning service.

The first thing he inquired upon arrival is the reliability of our heater, the biting cold got to him fast indeed. Not to leave him with any doubt, I provided him with a quick overview of our components and showed him how to operate the one in his room, and we recently renovated our home, so most of the components were new. The furnace/heater replacement was quite a lengthy process especially after realizing that the living room furnace my friend and I bought was the wrong thing. The heating dealership that my friend and I have been relying on for our heating system service assumed our living room was still the same size, that’s why he made the mistake; Jack talked about hydronic heating he learned about someplace however I told my friend and I could not incorporate that into our house yet. The best my friend and I could do is a hybrid heating update that eliminated the cost of boiler repair, hence fewer calls to the heating and air conditioning repairman, then as for the seasoned heat pump my friend and I had, that found its way to dad’s garage; I am simply cheerful Jack didn’t find a strenuous time during his visit and the highlight of it all was a visit to the local heating company to learn a few things about ACs.


hvac tune-up