Looking into weird smart control equipment possibilities

My new control equipment was already installed when my fiance plus I purchased our property over twenty years ago.

  • It was not current when our family moved in.

While we’ve made a lot of improvements to the property, my good friend and I never considered replacing the control unit. We’ve installed a current roof, current windows plus completely current family room. We’ve added insulation into the attic plus updated the water boiler plus our electrical panel. It wasn’t until an Heating, Ventilation plus A/C professional was handling the repair of the heating system plus proposed a current control equipment that I started researching. Our control equipment is a basic plastic dial that requires manual adjustment. I don’t feel it’s overly accurate but it does manage to start up plus shut down the heating plus cooling systems. I am totally amazed by today’s generation of control units. Modern models offer touchscreens plus wireless linkivity. It’s possible to raise or lower temperature settings, change programs, operate air quality accessories plus access information through an app on the smartphone. These sophisticated control units will respond to voice commands, learn the family’s preferences plus light up when someone approaches. There are control units that track energy usage plus offer tips for improvement. There are others that will alert an Heating, Ventilation plus A/C contractor if there’s a problem plus allow remote diagnosis. Some versions include occupancy sensors plus others take luck of geofencing. After learning up on all of the leading models, I have no idea which one to choose. I’ve decided to wait until the Heating, Ventilation plus A/C professional returns to repair the air conditioner plus ask her opinion. I want to be sure I choose a control equipment that is compatible with my heating system plus air conditioner.
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