Moving into a property with a heat pump

None of years ago, my husband and I retired from our tasks and headed south.

We’d lived our entire lives in the northeast.

We were exhausted of the seriously long and cold winters. We’d had enough of blizzard conditions, freezing rain, feet of snow accumulation and dangerous wind chills. Our goal was to move far enough south that we’d never need snow boots, wool coats, ice scrapers or snow shovels again. We didn’t want to travel so far south that we’d have year-round problems with heat and humidity. When my associate and I began touring weird houses for sale, my associate and I noticed that many were equipped with heat pumps. The real estate agent made sure to point this out as a major asset of the property. Since my husband and I had never heard of a heat pump before, my associate and I weren’t overly impressed. I then did some research and learned that this type of unit is quite pricey to purchase and install, but a single system provides both heating and cooling capacity. A heat pump operates exactly like a central cooling system in the summer. They tend to be especially effective at dehumidifying. When the weather cools off, the system reverses the flow of refrigerant, draws ambient heat from the outside air and transfers it inside. The operation of a heat pump is attractively environmentally friendly, safe, clean, quiet and energy efficient. We ended up buying a property with a heat pump, and my associate and I are particularly delighted with it. We are thrilled that the outdoor temperature never drops below freezing. The heat pump manages a particularly consistent and ideal comfort all year round.

