My energy is coming in waves as my body tries to fight off the flu infection I have.
I will have spurts of energy followed by periods of severe tiredness where I feel like climbing in my bed and sleeping for hours.
Maybe I’ll write two more articles and then take a nap to recharge before doing the last 30 minutes of work for the day. Luckily, I don’t have to go to work for 10 hours in some office job and suffer with this cold while I stare at the clock hoping for 6pm to come. Air conditioner and heater manufacturing was my desk job back in the day when I worked for this big HVAC company as an engineer. I was making a lot of money but was not enjoying being cooped up in a cubicle all day long staring at emails and writing reports. Heating and cooling systems are a necessity in this world, but I will let someone else do that work while I get to be free and on my own. I moved overseas many years ago to do music and comedy and have never regretted my decision to do so. I just miss my mom and her gas fireplace while we hang out and chat about life, but I can’t cling to my mom forever and I need to live my own life because she will be gone one day. That is going to be a bitter pill to swallow but I guess I will learn to live without her in the end. I wish you good luck.