The HVAC system made winter much more cozier

The first two years up here were not exactly what I’d call being in my comfort zone. Work was ridiculously intense as there was a crucial learning curve to my new position. I don’t believe I socialized but at holidays when friends or family would come to visit. And even then, it was always back to the zone controlled Heating & A/C of the office that I was not accountable for. This was a vital step in my work. While I was convinced that I could do it. Those first few years would test me and my resolve more than ever before. However, I’d never have applied for the position if I didn’t think I could do it. The fact is, I’d been working more than 14 years for the same corporation and looking for this sort of opportunity. It’s just that this chance was more than I expected. Actually, when I arrived, this regional office was a complete dumpster fire. The former managers had been culled because they couldn’t produce desired results. And when I arrived, this place was hemorrhaging cash and the productivity was low. Throw in the fact that I’d never lived and worked above the Mason Dixon line and it was such a challenge. The small home I purchased came with a gas furnace that I inherited. Actually, this was a quick sale because I agreed to take the place as is for the right price. That worked out for me financially and shelter wise, however it was far from comfortable just like being in the office. But last Fall, I replaced all of the residential Heating & A/C as well as now have a central a/c that comes with a modern gas furnace. This winter season was much cozier inside my home.

commercial ac