There are boys working on the heating and A/C system across the street

There are boys working on the heating and A/C system of the building across the street this morning.

I noticed it whenever I got to work this morning because my office window overlooks the building next door.

I also have to say that the heating and A/C workers who work for the commercial heating and A/C contractor that they are using are quite nice to look at! Here I am at work, plus it’s pretty strenuous to concentrate at my desk because my gaze keeps on drifting down to look at the handsome heating and A/C workers who are working on the building next door. It’s funny because some of the other women who work on my floor keep coming by my desk. I have the desk that is the closest to the window, plus I know that they are just making excuses to come by my desk plus hang out because they want to look out the window too! It’s the case that my friend and I usually don’t have a nice view to look at when my friend and I are at work, so it’s nice to have all of these super handsome heating and A/C workers working away on the roof right next door. I am honestly hoping that there is also something entirely wrong with the heating and A/C system over there so that these boys will be back tomorrow or even every day for the rest of the week! That would make for an undoubtedly exciting week for me plus my co-workers! I know that it sounds crazy, but my friend and I all get entirely bored at work so any kind of excitement is undoubtedly much welcome around here.



cooling and heating company