They didn’t want me hanging out with their buddies in the AC

I can hardly believe that I have my basement back.

And now, thanks to the Heating & A/C workers, I have space that I can go to for a bit of quiet and privacy.

To be clear, I adore my partner and daughters. They are the center of my life and the greatest motivator for me to spend all the hours I do inside the commercial Heating & A/C of the company. I’m enriched every single day by all of those girls and couldn’t be more grateful to be a partner, partner and father to my girls. But dang, those girls can get noisy and stay loud. When my daughters were young, I’d walk into the central AC of my home and they’d all come running. I was their king and it never felt better to be the king. I loved the feeling of being their daddy. I’m still their daddy, however they’d much rather me not be around so much because I embarrass them in front of their pals. I’m not clear on what behavior other than just existing that is so embarrassing. Seriously, I’m not a loud person so it’s not like I’m trying to be cool. Still, I recall what it was like to have parents around when you have friends over to hang out in the AC. So I have been looking for a place to call my own. The basement was basically the only space. But it was basically an indoor dump. The space was just full of junk that one or all of my girls weren’t willing to toss. So I did that for them and then called the Heating & A/C corporation. They put in a ductless heat pump so I have air conditioning for the Summer.



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