I am going on a trip to a place that does not have any air conditioning in any of the houses.
It is apparent that my good friend and I are going to have to adjust to this. My associate and I are stocked up on bug spray & everything else my good friend and I might need for this journey. One of the most exciting things to me is that my good friend and I will be staying in an open air treeapartment for most of the trip. The treeapartment has a family room, a king size bed & a bathroom & that is it! The air conditioner does not exist. I looked for a lot of places in the area that might have AC & there were no houses available. In order to please my partner, I knew that my good friend and I would need a fan at the genuinely least; So, I did some research, then all of the reviews on this apartment were good & everyone said that regardless of the no i/c situation, there was no need to be distraught. I study even further & found that most places in this region do not have air conditioning because the weather at night is so nice that there is no need for it. I appreciated hearing that the breeze at night was enough to keep up cool & comfortable. I was able to convince my partner that all my good friend and I need is the cool ocean breeze & a fan to be comfortable at night. My associate and I will have to wait & see what happens!