I know for sure that a portable air purification system would most likely not do the trick but I am going to try that first anyhow
I really am having a rough time with the bad air quality that my local area has been hit with lately. I find myself not able to sleep because I am always waking up coughing and my nose runs. It is like having a real bad flu without actually being sick! It is really horrible and ridiculous. This is why I know I must get some kind of an air purifier for my bedroom. Most likely I will pick up a pretty nice and higher end portable air purification system and see how that actually does in terms of cleaning up the bad air quality in my home. And if buying a portable air purification system does not do the trick, well then I guess I am going to have to just go head and get a loan from my bank in order to buy one of those massive whole home air purification systems that go as part of your central heating and air conditioning system unit. I know for sure that a portable air purification system would most likely not do the trick but I am going to try that first anyhow. And if it does not work I am going to return it. Then I will make the investment into the whole home air purification system and fix all of this bad air quality once and for all in my home. It really would be the only way to get relief and get my indoor comfort back that I have been missing for a while now ever since the bad air quality we have been getting has started.