It is finally coming up on the time of retirement for me.
I have been working in the heating and air conditioning business for over 50 years.
For the last 20 years I have been working for the same heating and air conditioning company as one of their most certified heating and air conditioning specialists. It has been great. Previously before this I was an independent heating and air conditioning contractor. When that finally gave out and I could get no more business, or at least enough to make a living due to competition of young and upcoming independent heating and air conditioning specialists I ended up going to this local heating and air conditioning company to work for them. They were a lifesaver and made it so I could make it to retirement and collect the well deserved pension plan that I had worked so hard for all of these years. My last day is this coming Monday and although I may miss the wonderful people that I work with, I have to say that I am highly looking forward to no longer working at all! I have honestly had enough of heating and air conditioning repair as well as heating and air conditioning installation over all these years. It is time to relax and spend whatever life I have left doing what I want to do and when I want to do it! Retirement is a blessing and I am very much looking forward to it becoming a reality.