I work from home, plus my schedule is just as crazy. I constantly thought toiling from dwelling would be easier. I’d work for an hour or two in the afternoon, then chill plus do other things for the remainder of the day. I even fantasized about starting a garden, plus perhaps sharing my growing experience online. So, when the pandemic sent all of us home, I knew it was time for my dream to come true. It was a bit alarming for the first few months as my associate and I watched the pandemic unfold. Then, our boss sent out an SMS that my associate and I were to resume work. The schedule was even tighter now because my associate and I weren’t in the office. I found myself toiling past 5 pm on most days, plus quite early each afternoon. Things got so bad that my associate and I had to have a meeting about work hours. During the day of the meeting, I was having some AC concerns in my home. So, I risked plus tied up a Heating plus Air Conditioning worker to come plus carry out cooling repairs in my home. I showed him the location of the Heating plus Air Conditioning cooling system, plus informed him I’d be in a meeting. If he needed anything, just shoot me a text plus I’d come out of my office. As the Heating plus Air Conditioning worker diagnosed my Heating plus Air Conditioning cooling system, the meeting went on. My friend and I explained to our boss that my associate and I were toiling longer than my associate and I did at the office. And my associate and I needed better compensation for the extra hours. If my associate and I are to work overtime, my associate and I need fair compensation from the dealer.