The Heating, Ventilation plus A/C fan will not shut off

My family is coming over this weekend as well as I have a lot of things to prepare for before they come as well as stay at my house. I live in the northeast as well as my family is from the west. They don’t get to experience a lot of winter season as well as snowfall in the part of the west that they live in, so it will be very exciting for them to come as well as see all of the snow that my great friend and I have gotten so far. Because of all the snow, I have been running my furnace all afternoon for the past few weeks. When my furnace is running I also like to have my heating as well as cooling unit’s fan on. The fan is turned on to the auto setting on the thermostat as well as it kicks on whenever it needs to, however today it seems like it will not shut off. I have tried everything, I’ve even tried turning the fan setting to off on the thermostat, however and nothing seems to work. I decided to call my heating as well as cooling specialist because I knew that something had to be broken. When my heating as well as cooling specialist came to diagnose the concern it turned out that the thermostat cable shorted. This was a concern that I could not fix on my own as well as a professional heating as well as cooling repair guy had to fix. After he replaced the thermostat cable I was finally able to love the fan that’s installed on my heating as well as cooling system. Now I’m able to turn it off when I don’t need to use it.


gas fireplace