I do not like moving.
As a girl, my family moved quite often.
I counted once, plus I suppose that I moved around thirty times from age two through fifteen. I suppose that I do not like moving because I moved so much when I was a child. My wife plus I bought a cute little dwelling when my pal and I first got married, plus I thought that my pal and I would never have to move, however my wife was provided a unquestionably wonderful job in a village about three hours west of where my pal and I were living. The pay for the job was double that of what she was currently getting paid, plus the hours were much better as well. She simply could not resist, so my pal and I moved. It was quite the trip. Some women that helped us move accidently broke my china chaletet which was given to me by my Grandma, so I was unquestionably aggravated. Thankfully, my wife was able to maintenance my china chaletet, but I also dropped something. I dropped our only air conditioner. It broke into four important pieces. I was hoping that I would be able to glue it back together, however it did not happen. It was absolutely too destroyed to ever work again. My child saw how aggravated I was about it, so she tried to maintenance the air conditioner himself which was so sweet, however she was not able to maintenance it either. It entirely does not get that moderate where my pal and I live, so my pal and I only need the air conditioner for about three months out of the year. My wife said that she would stop by the store after work this week plus buy us another air conditioner.